STAEDTLER Lumocolor 313 Markør Sort

STAEDTLER Lumocolor 313 - Markør - permanent - sort - 0.4 mm - superfin
119,00DKK95,20DKK excl. VAT
  • Product no 987657036

    Model 313-9


    EAN 4007817331705

    Weight 0.09 kg

  • Product information and specifications are guiding only. Without notice, these can be subject to change by the manufacturer. This applies for product images as well.
Produktbeskrivelse STAEDTLER Lumocolor 313 - markør - sort
Produkttype Markør - permanent - for glas, metal, plastik, træ, CD/DVD, overhead-transparenter - superfin - 0.4 mm
Farve Sort
Cylinder Polypropylen
Friholdelsesklausul for billedfarve Det viste produktbillede kan være en anden farve
Genopfyldelig Ja